Well hello, retro
Jaunt-ebikes is Lisa and Clare, and we do bike hire differently here. We don't do lycra. And we're certainly not bike geeks. A Farmer and Marketer respectively we took pause for thought during Lockdown 2.0 and after a particularly ghastly hilly day out cycling with friends and emboldened by a glass (ok, bottle) of Rose decided to set about reinventing cycle hire for grown-ups who don't wear lycra and couldn't care less about frame aerodynamics or bike geometry.
So here we are. We don't do bike hire. We do gorgeous, fun days out in the fresh air, taking care of all the things that are important for grown ups to enjoy their day out.
Comfort - no sore bums as all our bikes have the comfiest squidgiest seats.
No sweat - every single one of our bikes has a whizzy little battery and five levels of cheeky pedal assist
A level playing field - all ages and fitnesses
Joy - all our bikes are retro Chopper styled with chunky tyres and head turning looks. Joyous to be on and attract a crowd
Grown up customer service - you get us. We know your time is precious. And we treat every guest as an individual to ensure that your day is the happiest it can possibly be
And we have found dozens of good reasons to take to two wheels, be it the coolest retro style bikes, 5 levels of cheeky pedal assist for sweat free cycling, the joy of a vineyard tour and tipple by e-bike, the We want to make you smile. And laugh. And feel energised and just a little bit giddy. And we do this by carefully curating the best possible days out for grown ups on our fun retro style e-bikes. Shared experiences for you and your special ones.
We are based in a coastal hub in Keyhaven & Milford on Sea, near Lymington in the New Forest. We love where we live and think the best way to experience it is by e-bike; specifically a nippy little 250w, retro one. What are you waiting for?